Inclusive leadership drives…
Better decision-making:
Because leaders learn how to consult a wider, more representative range of perspectives.
Improved performance:
Because leaders better understand different personality types, how to include them, and how to get the best from them.
Higher morale:
Because employees of all personality types and diverse ways of thinking feel included, trusted, and valued.
Who Is It For?
- Executive leaders
- Front-line leaders/people managers
- DE&I specialists
- HR managers
- Rising stars/high potentials
- Project managers
- Informal leaders
- Influential individual contributors
Workshop Format
- 100% virtual workshop led by senior consultants with leadership expertise
- 3 sessions (2 hours each) + pre-work (45 minutes)
- Flexible scheduling
- For groups of 4–20 people
Participants will receive:
- An MBTI®Complete assessment and a 2-page type description report
- A participant toolkit
- A license for the Myers-Briggs® App
- A 25-item Inclusive Leadership Self-Evaluation tool
Workshop Content
About The Myers-Briggs Company
The Myers-Briggs Company empowers people to be the best versions of themselves. We’re established assessment developers, expert trainers and experienced psychologists who help organizations around the world to improve teamwork, develop inspirational leaders, foster diversity, and solve their most complex people challenges.
Get in Touch
To purchase or learn more about the Inclusive Leadership virtual workshop, just complete and submit the form below and we’ll get back to you soon.