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Type Practitioner Series

Expand your knowledge of type theory and its applications with this collection. Designed to help professionals build new type applications into their practice.

Measure and evaluate

Measuring Results of MBTI® Type Training (ROI in Action)

Product Code: 6175

With Measuring Results of MBTI® Type Training: ROI in Action, HR professionals and practitioners finally have the tools to not only understand and measure the ROI of their MBTI training but also establish tangible results that prove the effectiveness of their training program.

English Formats: Booklet

Improve cross-cultural team relationships

Type and Culture (Using the MBTI® Instrument in International Applications)
Product Code: 6128

The central notion of this book is that type is universal, but that culture colours how it appears and how it is expressed. Understand where behavioural differences are driven by type, and where they are driven by culture to interpret more accurately what is behind the actions of international colleagues. Can also be used to plan and carry out personal development within different cultures in a way that meets the expectations of participants.

English Formats: Booklet

Motivate and retain talent

Type and Retention (Retaining Talent, Leveraging Type)

Product Code: 6179

One of the notable differences in MBTI types is the different tasks, values and rewards that motivate them. Too many organisations take a one-size fits all approach to employee satisfaction and well-being then wonder why what works for others does not work for them. This book will help you to make a plan that builds incentives tailored to your workforce, and understand how to flex it to attract and retain top talent.

English Formats: Booklet

Support career development

Type and Career Development (Facilitating Personal and Professional Development)
Product Code: 6195

Introduction to Type and Career Development

The booklet can be applied to the various steps of career development, and to other developmental situations in which a client is solving a problem, assessing a relationship or looking to change patterns of behaviour. You will be equipped to help clients gain insight into their own developmental needs, pinpoint aspects of work that they find stressful or uninteresting, find a job match and take real action to achieve their goals.

English Formats: Booklet

Boost your MBTI training effectiveness

Type and Training (Designing and Delivering an Effective MBTI® Workshop)

Product Code: 6196

Type and Training delivers a powerful, step-by-step guide to creating an effective workshop, breaking the process into five practical steps: developing a training solution, designing the training session, developing learning strategies, designing activities for your applications and designing an evaluation.

English Formats: Booklet
