The Myers-Briggs Company offers Certification Programs that will qualify you in the professional and ethical administration of these instruments. Upon successful completion of any of our programs, you will gain a certificate of qualification to purchase and use the corresponding instrument and its materials.
Certification programs are available for:
Each instrument represented by The Myers-Briggs Company addresses one or more areas that impact individual, team and organizational performance. These may include leadership and coaching, team development, communication, conflict management, change management, career exploration, recruitment and selection and talent retention.
The Myers-Briggs Company certification programs have one thing in common: They help you become a better development professional and, in turn, help your employees flourish. If you are interested to find out more, join our monthly complimentary sharing session.

MBTI® Global Step I™ & Step II™ Certification Program (4 Days)
When you are committed to helping people be their best and realize their potential, becoming certified to use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is a natural choice. For professionals in executive coaching, certification provides tools for helping clients increase their self-awareness and identify their strengths and blind spots. In the field of management consulting, certification enables practitioners to help improve individual and organizational performance and enhance team communication and dynamics. Enrich your professional skills for helping others discover the power of their personality with the MBTI instrument via one of the world’s most popular organizational development certification programs
Enrol in the MBTI® certification program today if you are looking to:
- Enhance team and organizational effectiveness
- Understand yourself and others to enhance individual and organizational performance
- Develop capable and effective leadership at every level
- Reduce workplace conflict and work more effectively together
- Create an atmosphere of understanding, clear communication and mutual respect
- Nurture and retain top talent
- Help people explore and find their passion
Why become MBTI® Certified?
- The MBTI® certification is internationally recognized and has no expiry date.
- Explore the MBTI framework and learn how personality preferences affect our personal and professional relationships.
- Deliver more effective employee development sessions with a greater understanding of your people, teams, and organization.
- Enhance the onboarding process for new hires with insight into their personality preferences.
- Help students discover how their personality preferences relate to choices for their education and future career paths.
- Grow professionally with access to—and insight into—the world’s most widely used personality assessment, so that you can help others be their best.
What will you learn?
- The origins and background of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment.
- How to successfully administer the MBTI assessment.
- Your own personality preferences—and what they mean for your personal and professional relationships.
- How to deliver MBTI feedback and personality insights for individual and team development, career coaching, and more.
- Technical aspects of the MBTI assessment, including reliability and validity.
- How MBTI preferences combine dynamically to add depth and understanding to personality differences.
- Practical, ethical, and effective uses for the MBTI assessment in business, government, the military, educational institutions, and beyond.
Who Should Attend?
- Human resource professionals, consultants, managers, leaders, facilitators, counsellors and psychologists in all types of organizations who wish to facilitate better understanding of personality type in the interests of improving individual and organizational effectiveness.
- MBTI® Practitioners who have previously obtained Step I™ Certification can attend the fourth day to attain the Step II Certification and have access to MBTI® Step II™ Reports.
- To register, click on the “Online Registration” button below
- If you have any questions, please email to:

FIRO® Certification Program (2 Days)
For more than 50 years, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) approach has helped people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication styles and behavior, and thereby improving their personal relationships and professional performance. Become a FIRO® Certified Practitioner and administer these leading instruments for developing high-functioning individuals and leaders within your organization.
Why become FIRO® certified?
The FIRO®Certification Program will enable you to:
- Expand your coaching toolkit with an assessment that pinpoints fundamental relationship needs.
- Help individuals and teams become more effective by enabling them to understand their interpersonal dynamics and address problems in communication and collaboration.
- Build trust and promote positive relationships by uncovering the motivations that affect communication style and behavior.
- Influence real change in leaders and the leadership pipeline.
- Access both the FIRO-B® and FIRO Business® assessments – the latter using business-focused terminology, which is particularly useful for multinational organisations.
What will you learn?
- How to administer the FIRO-B® and FIRO Business® assessments and use the results to help others understand the impact of their behavior on others.
- How to use the FIRO® assessments as catalysts for positive behavioral change and to unlock potential in workplace interactions.
- Skills to highlight strengths and blind spots in an individual’s approach to relationships and leading others.
- Knowledge you can use to guide people and organizations to greater self-understanding and self-awareness, resulting in improved one-on-one and team relationships and more effective leadership.
Who Should Attend
- Human Resource professional, consultants, managers, leaders, consultants, psychologists and counsellors involved in mentoring, coaching and improving understanding of self and others, and team building and compatibility.
- FIRO® Practitioners who have previously attended 1 Day FIRO-B® Certification Program may attend the second day only to learn about FIRO-Business® assessments.
- To register, click on the “Online Registration” button below
- If you have any questions, please email to:
Already certified in the MBTI® instrument?
The next step is to fortify your knowledge on the MBTI® framework with the FIRO® instrument!
When you incorporate both the FIRO® Instrument and the MBTI® framework, it becomes a holistic and powerful tool to be used to tackle your organization’s needs.
Watch the video below to find out more:
Ready to take the next step and become certified in the FIRO® instrument?
- To register, click on the “Online Registration” button below
- If you have any questions, please email to:

Strong Interest Inventory® Certification Program (1 Day)
Strong Interest Inventory® certification enables you to provide your clients, students or employees with dynamic career direction and insight into options that align with their interests and abilities. For a school counselor, certification provides tools to help students choose a major and explore career options. For a career coach, certification delivers an additional tool for helping clients with professional development, employee engagement, and reintegration into the workplace. In addition, it can empower professionals to help students looking for enriching extracurricular activities and adults seeking to broaden their interests.
Why become Strong certified?
The Strong Certification Program will enable you to:
- Empower individuals to identify careers, jobs, and activities that closely align with their interests.
- Offer different perspectives on career direction, from general areas of interest to specific occupations.
- Provide robust and reliable data about a person’s interests and work preferences.
- Help organizations retain employees by uncovering work areas in which their people are more likely to thrive.
What will you learn?
- Holland’s theory of personalities and work environments (RIASEC)
- Techniques for interpreting the Strong assessment’s scales and applying its insights
- Validity and reliability information
- Instructions for administering the assessment and using Strong reports and support materials for career exploration and development
- Ways to provide feedback and response to client questions
Who Should Attend
- Career guidance counsellors & Career coaches, outplacement specialists, HR consultants and other professionals who facilitate, mentor or coach working adults and/or students on career exploration and career planning.
- To register, click on the “Online Registration” button below
- If you have any questions, please email to:

CPI™ Certification program (2 Days)
The California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) instrument has provided a highly accurate and in-depth portrait not only of individuals’ professional and personal styles, but also of their potential. Built on the exceptional history, validity, and reliability, the CPI™ instruments are trusted and powerful tools for use in leadership development and selection, providing insights into individuals’ strength and development opportunities.
Building on the 55 plus year history of the California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) instrument, the CPI 260® instrument provides valuable insight on more than 20 scales which include:
- Dealing with others
- Self-management
- Motivations and thinking style
- Personal characteristics and work related characteristics
Become a CPI™ Certified Practitioner and discover the most effective ways to use the CPI™ assessments to develop individuals, groups and organizations.
During the two days certification program:
- Learn the origin and development of the CPI™ instrument, and how to administer the assessments in the most effective ways to develop people for managing talent
- Understand CPI™ scales and their meaning and guide people into leaders, grow true potential, and improve performance
- Learn about the reliability and validity of the scales and results
- Learn how to successfully administer and interpret reports for leadership development and recruitment and selection
- Apply results to improve performance and select the right people for your organization
- Develop your feedback skills and techniques to respond to questions
- Become eligible to purchase and use the CPI™ assessments upon successful completion of the program
Who Should Attend
- Human Resource professionals, managers, consultants, headhunters, and psychologists involved in recruitment and selection, leadership training, personal development and coaching.
- To register, click on the “Online Registration” button below
- If you have any questions, please email to: